Sustainability is no longer a new term or something we can avoid practicing – luckily for that. For most people it’s already the norm to try and make sustainable decisions. Yet it can still be quite difficult to know how to practice green living at home, as it can be hard to figure out the right solutions that really make a difference in your household. There are many simple ways to start your green make-over at home, and we are here to provide you with some easy tricks and tips to start trying out today!


What does sustainable living look like?

Living green is about being aware of your consumption as well as trying to reduce your waste. Living sustainably is all about having mother earth in mind, meaning: Sustainability is about how we take care of the earth, and making sure it’s not harmed by our lifestyle. This means creating the best possible conditions for each other and our environment – both now and in the future. The aim is to live a life where your needs will be covered without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. We can all contribute to this by being aware of our consumption. The choices you make every day may not affect you immediately, but it might have significant consequences for the earth and future generations. Start today and make sure your household is living sustainable! 



5 Tips to make your household more sustainable

To get off to a good start with your green make-over at home we’ve summed up a list of 5 easy tips you can start implementing at home today.    


 1. Reduce your household energy use
By taking small actions it’s easy to reduce your overall energy consumption in your household, which will help reduce your environmental impact. A good way to start this, is by making sure that you always switch off lights and appliances that you’re not using, and avoid standby lights. Furthermore, it’s a good idea to switch your halogen light bulbs out with LED light bulbs as they last longer and use 4-5 times less electricity. Wash your clothes on low degrees – you can save up to 55% of the energy consumption per wash by washing at lower degrees.

Photo: Canva


2. Avoid unnecessary disposable packaging
In today's world we have a lot of disposable products that each time create a lot of waste. An easy way to cut down this unnecessary waste is by getting a pair of Period Panties. With a vegan, sustainable, period panty, you’ll be able to limit the huge amount of waste tampons and sanitary towels make. The greatest part of getting a period panty is that they’re both super convenient and very comfortable to wear. The panty is made of sustainable fabrics that make them easy to wash so they can be used over and over again. By making sure your household uses period panties, you are making sure to reduce your unnecessary waste of sanitary products. 

This is for instance the sustainable & comfortable 
Sexy Hipster Hannah menstruation 
Photo: Lena Scherer


3. Avoid plastic
As our last tip indicated, unnecessary waste is the most important thing to reduce, and one of the best long term changes you can make is minimizing your plastic consumption. Try to avoid using plastic as much as you can. Plastic water bottles are one of the biggest culprits. If you include both the production and transportation of the bottled water, half a liter of water roughly equals half an hour of driving with a car. Your plastic consumption can also be reduced by buying toothbrushes, cotton swaps and other beauty products that don't contain plastic. Lastly, remember to always bring a bag to the supermarket, so you don’t have to buy a new plastic bag every time.

Photo: Canva


 4. Save on your water consumption
Do you have a weakness for long hot showers? You might want to change this as long hot showers are bad for the environment and for your wallet. Become a world champion in quick showers and save on your water bills, while also being conscious of the environment. If you like slightly longer showers, you can install a water-saving shower head that reduces the water usage.

Another way to make sure you're making the most of your water is to always fill your washing machine and dishwasher, so you avoid using it more often than necessary.

Photo: Canva


5. Think about your grocery shopping
Our last and final tip is to look for organic products when you’re out grocery shopping. Food that is produced in a sustainable way is better for both agriculture, the environment and your body – and in general it also tastes better, so what’s not to like? It might be a little more expensive to buy organic products, but if you practice our first 4 tips you’ll free up some money that you can spend on organic products instead. 

Photo: Canva

What are the benefits of living green at home?

There’s many ways to live more sustainably in your household, without having to make big changes to your daily life. The biggest difference might actually just be that we’re getting more money within our pockets, which is a good thing, hey? Things that are good for the environment, such as reducing our consumption and waste will eventually turn out in saving money. So If you start practicing our recommended tips, you’re already one step closer to live in a sustainable household with potentially more money in your pocket. It’s also much healthier living sustainably and eating organic, which will benefit your health. If you want to become even more sustainable in your household you should follow our newsletter, as we frequently send out newsletters with similar content.

Of course we are aware that even these actions aren’t necessarily enough to fight climate change, because it's the big companies that are the main polluters. However using our consumer power and investing in sustainable products, and buying less in general will send signals to these corporations and hopefully drive them to change with us!